i was so busy preparing cupcakes and whatsoever for my wedding. So, its a bit too late uploading the orders during that time...here they are...
this is repeated order from Diana..requested Choc Flavor..but since i was extremely busy that time..i proposed her for vanilla flavor...alhamdulillah she accepted..thanks very much...so nice dealing with you..the theme is for kids..so, i try to draw sponge bob here...comment please~!!!
This order is from Udeng..my ex-classmate when i was 13 years old in SAMTH. She pick up this cuppies at my house, the day after the akad nikah together with Farhana, Bainah, and Karen...tq~!!!! nice chatting with you guys!!! they even come again in the morning before the wedding ceremony, just to pass me the wedding gift..wooo...soo sweet...tq guys~!!
Wedding pictures?? do visit my facebook and Friendster ok~!..
aan.. rindu ko!!!! akhirnye jumpe jgk ko kat sini. aku dh lame carik ko.huhuhu
fuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart............!manekah ko menghilang...!
lamo x jupo...windu windu...windu tahap gaban...
i ade tolong jugak tau....
pemakan kek ini kata sedap. mereka adalah anak-anak buah ku. mereka memakannya di majlis hari jadi che su beliau belah sana. :P
nak order jgk la kalau mcm ni!
heheh...hubungi la saya ye...
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